Monday 23 December 2013

Chessington 3

8th June 2010

Chessington Equestrian Centre, Chessington

Back at Chessington once again, and this time I was on Harvey, a chunky skewbald. In the main school this time, and warming up and trotting at first was very hard work, as I don’t have the strength in my legs to use them effectively yet. Once I was given a whip however*, it was much easier, and we started actually going along the track rather than cutting all the corners and ends. Did I mention I’m a pretty ineffective rider?

Again, apart from walking to warm up and down, the majority of the lesson was in trot and canter. This time however, I found it much easier, and didn’t struggle with fitness as much as I did the first time.**

I actually volunteered to lengthen my stirrups at the beginning, and although I did still keep losing them, for the time that my leg was in position and the stirrup was on the ball of my foot, it did feel very comfortable and ‘right’. Well that’s progress anyway.

Harvey was quite forward going for a ‘school horse’ type. I can imagine that for someone who applied the aids a little better, he’d be a lovely ride. I’ll find out one day. I did have a good ride anyway, it was just hard work as I’m still struggling to use my legs properly, and I’m sure he was getting mixed messages. And any horse that realises they have a sack of spuds on top is going to get lazy and not work properly.

Trot-canter transitions are still pretty messy, although we got a couple of decent ones by the end. I’m still tipping forward when I ask, and then throughout the canter, so mostly the horse then falls into a fast unbalanced trot. I think it comes from years of hacking, when we’d get to a canter spot, I’d lean slightly forward, and we’d be off, no aids necessary. I did manage to get a couple of laps without losing the canter though by the end.

There was definite improvement. It felt more natural again, though I still struggle with a hatred of riding in a school. I think it will wear off though.

I get frustrated when I know what I want to do, I know how I want to ask the horse, but yet I can’t do it properly. Leg position has improved, but they do keep slipping up – I need to keep the stirrups in place, and keep my leg long. Weight. In. Heels. Still need to sit up, and keep my shoulders back. No comments about my hands/arms yesterday, but I know I need to work on the contact. Get the legs and seat right first though.

I’m back again on Thursday, then hacking at Wimbledon on Sunday, and then have booked twice weekly evening lessons for the rest of the month.

I’m sure I will see a huge improvement by then. 

*Note to self – always carry a whip

** Note to self – general fitness does not equate to riding fitness

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