Monday 23 December 2013

Chessington 5

17th June 2010

Chessington Equestrian Centre, Chessington

Hmm. Seems a case of two steps forward, one step back. The last two rides (hack and lesson) went quite well, so I guess it was time to have another disappointing trot around.

It started badly – having avoided cycling for the best part of 18 months since my crash, I decided that getting the train was too much hassle, and it was about time I cycled to the yard. I measured an indirect, but easier to navigate route of about 10 miles beforehand, but I got lost twice through Ewell and ended up arriving late.

I had no idea what time it was, as I’d left plenty of ‘spare’ time, and don’t wear a watch, but as I arrived I saw the group lesson had already started, and figured I must be fairly late. I was to be riding Tom again today, and he was tacked up and waiting with Leon.

Unfortunately I was not ready, I needed a shoe and hat change, but more importantly my legs wanted a break. Having not cycled for so long, to do a 16 mile ride (including diversions!), on a fixie (one gear and no freewheel) as my other bike needed attention, and on a hilly route, my legs were full of achiness.

I don’t know if it was Tom, or me, or both, but we didn’t really click today. I usually have trouble keeping horses on the track, as they tend to try and cut corners, Tom was the opposite, and kept veering off to the fence, meaning my legs got a battering more than once. Eventually I realised that by swapping my whip to the outside we would move better.

My position was (I think) better. My knees were out, I only started losing my stirrup with cantering, but with the adrenalin rushing through me I think I lapsed into old habits of tipping forward. Most of the lesson was in trot, with a couple of attempted canters but Tom really wasn’t in the mood and I wasn’t strong enough to get after him. We managed a couple of canters on the right rein, where he was less stiff, but we left it at that.

Went over trotting poles a few times, and did some circles, but really, it wasn’t an impressive half hour. I was a mess, Tom didn’t want to be there, and I was quite relieved to get back on my bike and leave. This time I didn’t get lost.

Racing (running) all weekend, so not riding again until next Tuesday. At least I know the way now…

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