Saturday 27 December 2014

Chessington 30

30th August 2010
Chessington Equestrian Centre, Chessington

So I arrived in good time to say hello to Tom and see (with a hint of relief) that Ronan was tacked up ready for me, and that he hadn't disgraced himself over the weekend at the Pentathlon.
I found out there were 11 of us on the day ride, and was a little bit intimidated by riding in such a large group, so figured I'd try and get near the front and pretend no-one was behind me
As 10am neared, I got Ronan out and asked someone to take some photos of me on him. We then stood around waiting for ages as apparently the ride wasn't actually going until about 20 past. Oops. Ronan was very patient though and mostly stood still.
As we walked over to the livery yard side, Ronan was being a little lazy, as expected, and I figured I'd have to work hard on him the whole day. But once we'd got all the riders together and walked down the drive, he transformed and started walking out really nicely. Good, good.

He was fine on the road and the bridge over the very noisy A3, and then we trotted/cantered along the path next to the field. He was fine - quite eager, but the brakes worked. As we went along the bridle paths, I took advantage of the riders behind me having fallen back by letting the ones in front go on whilst I halted and made him wait, then did a few halt-trot-halt transitions, between the lead and back groups. He was very good.

Once we'd crossed back over the A3, we went on a route that is new to me (not hard - I've only done 2 there!) and had a few more trots where he was keen but stoppable. I did have to work on keeping him at a safe distance from the horse in front though.
We had a couple of canters on a grassy stretch along the path in the Country Park, and he kept putting his head right down and veering to the side. I was a bit unprepared and puzzled at first, but the next time I just made sure I held his head up and he seemed ok.

We stopped for lunch on a grassy area by a pub, and someone from the yard turned up with sandwiches and drinks, scoffed whilst we held the horses, all of whom were eager to get as much grass in their bellies as possible! Then we remounted, and I was chuffed that I managed to mount from the ground - I've only tried a few times since riding again, and it's not been pretty. Granted I cheated by lowering the stirrup about 6 holes, but most other people had to find something to stand on to clamber on.
I'd initially though we were going to ride out a long way and then ride back again, but it turned out we were doing lots of loops, so that we were never actually that far from the yard - handy I guess in case anything went wrong, and only once did we see the same bit twice.

Ronan had felt a bit tense when I got back on him, but didn't do anything worrying. We were going through a wooded area, when the escorts turned right onto a smaller path. Then was to turn into an 'interesting' decision, as we shortly found ourselevs ducking under *very* low braches, and walking down a thin path, and it became apparent that it was a footpath rather than bridlepath.
Rather than try and turn 11 horses round on a narrow path, we went on, but then the path kind of fizzled out. We had to pick our way through ferns and around trees and more low branches for around 10 minutes, until we eventually found a wide track again. With so many horses, I'm not sure what else we could have done. It was funny, but I ended up with a lot of scratches on my arms and neck, and a couple of the horses (escort and Ronan) were starting to get more wound up.

Back on the bridle path, the escort horse was getting joggy and going quickly, and the 3 other horses ahead would trot to catch up. Ronan became very joggy, and so I was trying to make him walk properly, then trot when I told him he could catch up. Trying, not necessarily winning - he was getting stronger and stronger. At one point, the track went downhill a bit, so I made him walk, but the all the others ahead trotted on, so when I asked him to trot he was some way behind, and cantered instead. And I just couldn't break him to trot until we reached them.
We then reached a couple of grassy tracks, and it was time to let off some steam. Ronan was good, but was getting stronger, and knowing that the escort horse was getting wound up I had to keep him away (by this point I was just behind the two escorts). But it was a nice track, and he was certainly controllable, if harder to stop, and he was enjoying it.

Then on (I think) the other side of the loop, we had another canter. I thought he'd bucked a couple of times before in canter, but no-one had noticed. This time however, after trying to run on, he most definitely bucked - big - and then bucked again. He tried to tank off a bit, but I brought him back and he bucked again - just in exuberance, but they were quite big. He was also trying to overtake a couple of horses, and I mentioned I was having issues so we all dropped down to a walk.

I then checked with those behind me what had happened, and they confirmed he'd done some big bucks, but that I'd apparently sat them well and looked fine. It's odd, as after the first one, when I was still tipped forward, he'd tanked off a bit, and then bucked again. I remember thinking at the time that I was a goner, and would come off, and accepting that must have helped me relax and stay on. How contrary.

After walking for a few minutes, the escort asked if I wanted to canter again and I said it was fine but I'd shout if I was in trouble. This time though, it wasn't me in trouble - Ronan had indeed bucked as soon as we cantered, but then the horse next to me copied and it was his rider to shout out. That was the end of the cantering!

Ronan was continuing to get more wound up though, and was constantly jogging, going sideways, and generally being tiresome. When we had to stop for a gate to be unlocked, as it took some time and he wouldn't stand still, we had a huge gap round us where everyone was keeping out of the way. I do like my personal space.

The escort's horse was also pratting about, and once she'd finished with the gate she came and spoke to me as we were riding along (everyone else in walk, her and myself prancing) and said that the likely reason was that both of our horses were quite unfit, had already been out for hours and were tired and aching, and were just being grouchy. Her words were of some comfort to me, as it was a situation he's unlikely to be in very often, so hopefully he'd usually be as he was this morning - forward, but with brakes.

Strangely, after we crossed one particular road, he went from being drenched in sweat and prancing around, to walking (actively, but walking) and gradually drying off. He then stayed calm until we got back to the yard. I don't know why he suddenly changed, as he doesn't know the area. I guess maybe once I knew we were heading home I relaxed a bit and he pickled up on that?
I was glad to get off, but that was probably more to do with having been riding for 5 hours than wanting to get off him particularly.

The ride gave me more confidence in myself, as he was being silly yet I was coping with it. Yes, a few times I did wonder if I should ask to swap, but never actually wanted to do that! It did make me lose confidence in him a bit. With Tom, I feel completely safe on him out hacking - I can stop him, he doesn't spook etc, yet with Ronan so wound up, and after the bucking and getting strong, I felt that at the slightest excuse he'd take off.

I think I need to make allowances though - he was on a non-typical ride. 11 horses, out all day, with the excitement of getting lost. Plus he'd gone away over the weekend to do pentathlon, and only arrived in the yard 10 days ago. He's still settling in. In terms of getting strong, he was in a plain snaffle and cavesson today, so there's a lot of scope to refine the braking system without getting severe.

I've got a lesson on him on Wednesday, then a 3 hour hack on Sunday. If he's how he was this morning, I'll put an offer in. If he's wound up, I'll maybe have to think about it. I don't want to be in the situation where a few weeks down the line I'm too scared to go near him. But I really can't see that happening - I'm probably just cautious after losing my confidence on Tom a couple of weeks ago. I don't want it to happen again!

In a way, he's even more perfect for me. Last time I though he might be a bit ploddy put hacking, turns out he's not. And he was a lot of fun.

Only mild annoying thing is that he shakes his head a lot, even with a nose net on, which stopped it completely in the school the other day. At the age of 12, if it's a habit, he's unlikely to get over it?

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