Saturday 27 December 2014

Chessington 21

7th August 2010
Chessington Equestrian Centre, Chessington

TREC day today, and I had been changed to Champ as Tom would be too big for some of the obstacles. I'd ridden Champ once before, and although sluggish, he seemed fine, but Diane suggested I borrow her spurs. I declined, as I've never used them before and was worried about hurting him (!) but after a short warm up Diane again suggested it and I agreed. I was then a bit scared to use my leg for the rest of the day. Hmm.

We started off with a lesson (after each tacking up our mounts - first time at Chessington that I've tacked up) and started off with a warm up then working without stirrups. First trotting, then a canter. Steve asked the other day if I wanted to canter without stirrups, and I said I didn't feel ready so stayed in trot, but today I just kept quiet and went for it, probably the first time in over 15 years. It was fine, though I suspect a little untidy.

We then got our stirrups back and practised trot-halt and halt-trot transitions in open order. This was fine, I tried the spurs out a few times and saw they did have an effect, but mostly concentrated on almost turning my feet in so I didn't accidentally jab him! We then did individual walk-canter and canter-halt transitions. I've never done either of these before. Eeeek. First walk-canter was messy, second walk-canter was good, canter-halt missed the mark. Then a cool down and the horses were put back in their boxes for a break whilst we built the obstacle course.

Then back on and off to the field for the timed (fastest) walk and (slowest) canter sections. Champs ears pricked up as soon as we hit grass, and he suddenly started taking an interest in what was going on.

It was a little boring on this section, as there were 5 of us, and the walk/canter stretch was quite long, so we were just standing around while each had their turn. Despite Champ being the most sluggish horse, we got the fastest walk - I am quite keen on my active walks, so I was chuffed. First canter I was trying to go too slow, and he broke into trot, then the second canter I kept him going right up until the end when he slipped back into trot, so we scored no points.

Then back to the school where we walked the obstacle course - 4 cones with 2 flags to move from one to another, a 'tunnel' with shields and plastic bags along the sides, bending cones along one side, a circle in which we had to dismount, then leading the horse under a limbo pole, over a wooden pallet, through a maze of bamboo canes, then get back on (on the wrong side) and do the limbo, pallet and maze whilst mounted. Then 3 jumps on a serpentine to finish - a straight, a straight with spooky filler, and a straight with rubbish and a sheet underneath.

We practised the course once each, and Champ was really good with most of it. Since learning we were to mount from the wrong side, I'd been getting increasingly nervous - not so much the mounting from the wrong side, but mounting without a mounting block. I hadn't mounted from the ground for about 15 years. In the event, it was pretty much as messy as I expected, except that I did actually manage to get on. Champ kept moving backwards, so in both the practice and real round, someone had to come and hold him for me.

Champ hardly batted an eyelid at everything else, and although we kicked the canes in the maze, that was probably my fault - as Diane said, I was taking the shortest line rather than bending him round! I was also nervous about the jumps, and Diane actually put the last one down for me, from about 2'9 to 2'3 ish. Still, I was a mess over them - barely got him moving and think we knocked two.

Overall we came 3rd out of the 5. It seems the points I got for my fastest walk weren't very significant! I really enjoyed the day, but came away feeling quite despondent and annoyed at myself. My confidence has taken a knocking - mainly from how nervous I felt. I was nervous for pretty much the whole day - even for the walk. And for the timed canter, the order was to canter a circle first before starting, but both times I just went for it as I was nervous about circling. Why, I don't know.

I feel like I rode really badly and untidily. Having gone over 6 jumps today probably equals what I've done so far in total in the last 15 years, but I feel so rubbish at going over them. I can't seem to spot the take-off, so sit forward before I need to, and put the horse out of balance. I know this will all improve with more lessons, but at the moment I'm just feeling very ****.

And I sulked all the way for my cycle home, even audibly cursing the many people that tried to kill me. There were more maniacs out than usual though.

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