Saturday 27 December 2014

Chessington 27

25th August 2010
Chessington Equestrian Centre, Chessington

So last weekend, Leon mentioned a new chestnut had come in for selling. He said it'd be perfect for me as he was a big saint. I didn't think much of it, as I'm still hankering after Tom, and after having such a fabulous hack on Tom that day I was happy to wait until they felt I was ready to share Tom.

But today I arrived (after for cycling an hour in the pouring rain) to be told I was riding Rowan. Rowan? Who he? Never heard of him. I wandered outside, and went down to the end box to say hello to Tom, and noticed there was a gorgeous big chestnut next door to him, with a really handsome head. He was tacked up. It then dawned on me that this was Rowan, and was also the 'saint' that Leon had mentioned.

I had a lesson with Cat for the first time, and it was really quite good. She didn't really know what I'd done in previous lessons, but I mentioned I wanted to learn how to ride a horse into an outline, but felt it was way beyond me. So she decided to prove that I could do it. And I could. On the beautiful Rowan anyway. Sometimes. Really using my legs and seat as well, rather than sawing at his mouth. And I actually felt the difference in his back. Wow.

We walked and trotted a lot, as the arena was a bit waterlogged and I was still nervous of cantering in there. But we did then have a canter on each rein, and he's lovely. He has an odd stride when cantering, and feels really wonky and very up and down, but kept the canter really well, and was very responsive - when I started tipping forward, he stopped. And more to the point - I wasn't nervous at all. I even asked for canter in my 'bogey' corner.

He also spooked once when the dogs ran over, but rather than running off, just spooked and stood still. I love him. So much so that I asked how much he'd go for, as a ball park, but Cat then phoned the dealer and owner to find out. And I got a price. And could keep him there on working livery.

I'm going to try and hack him out on Sunday, to see how he goes, and have another couple of lessons on him, before I take the plunge. But...I may buy him...

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